Enhance Your Video Conferences with Custom User Attributes: A Step-by-Step Guide to Agora SDK in React
Image by Vedetta - hkhazo.biz.id

Enhance Your Video Conferences with Custom User Attributes: A Step-by-Step Guide to Agora SDK in React

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Welcome to the world of interactive video conferences! With Agora SDK, you can create immersive experiences for your users. But, have you ever wondered how to take it to the next level by adding custom user attributes like names and avatars? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to integrate user attributes into your video conferences using Agora SDK in React.

Why User Attributes Matter

Custom user attributes are essential for creating engaging video conferences. By displaying names and avatars, you can:

  • Enhance user recognition and engagement
  • Foster a sense of community and belonging
  • Provide a more personalized experience for your users


Before we dive into the implementation, make sure you have:

  • Agora SDK account and project setup
  • React installed in your project
  • Basic knowledge of React and JavaScript

Step 1: Set up Your Agora SDK Project

First, create a new Agora SDK project or use an existing one. Make sure you have the App ID, App Certificate, and Channel Name ready.

import { createClient } from 'agora-rtc-react';

const appId = 'YOUR_APP_ID';
const appCertificate = 'YOUR_APP_CERTIFICATE';
const channelName = 'YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME';

const client = createClient({
  mode: 'rtc',
  codec: 'vp8',

client.init(appId, appCertificate);

Step 2: Initialize the RtcEngine

Next, initialize the RtcEngine instance, which is responsible for managing the video conference.

import { RtcEngine } from 'agora-rtc-react';

const engine = new RtcEngine(client);

Step 3: Create a User Attribute Manager

To manage user attributes, create a separate manager that will handle the attribute updates.

class UserAttributeManager {
  constructor() {
    this.attributes = {};

  async getUserAttributes(userId) {
    // Implement logic to fetch user attributes from your database or storage
    const attributes = await fetchUserAttributesFromDatabase(userId);
    this.attributes[userId] = attributes;
    return attributes;

  async updateAttribute(userId, key, value) {
    // Update the user attribute in your database or storage
    await updateUserAttributeInDatabase(userId, key, value);
    this.attributes[userId][key] = value;

const userManager = new UserAttributeManager();

Step 4: Add User Attributes to the RtcEngine

Now, let’s add the user attribute manager to the RtcEngine instance.


Step 5: Update User Attributes

When a user joins the channel, update their attributes using the `updateAttribute` method.

engine.on('user-joined', (userId) => {
  userManager.updateAttribute(userId, 'name', 'John Doe');
  userManager.updateAttribute(userId, 'avatar', 'https://example.com/avatar.jpg');

Step 6: Display User Attributes in the Video Conference

Finally, display the user attributes in the video conference by accessing the `attributes` object.

function renderVideoConference() {
  return (
      {engine.getLocalUser().video ? (
      ) : (
        <img src={userManager.attributes[engine.getLocalUser().uid].avatar} alt="Avatar" />


VoilĂ ! You’ve successfully added custom user attributes to your video conference using Agora SDK in React. This enhancement will surely elevate the user experience and make your video conferences more engaging.

Bonus: Tips and Best Practices

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

  • Store user attributes in a secure and scalable database or storage solution.
  • Implement user attribute updates in real-time to ensure a seamless experience.
  • Consider using a caching mechanism to improve performance and reduce latency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer
Can I use this approach with other Agora SDK features? Yes, you can use this approach with other Agora SDK features like screen sharing, audio, and more.
How do I handle user attribute updates when multiple users are online? Implement a robust caching mechanism and update the attributes in real-time to ensure a seamless experience.

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ve taken the first step in creating a more personalized and engaging video conference experience for your users. Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How can add user attributes like (name, avatar) to respective users in video conference in Agora SDK in React” in HTML format with schema.org markup:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about adding user attributes to video conferences in Agora SDK using React.

How do I add user attributes like name and avatar to users in Agora SDK?

To add user attributes, you can use the `setUserAttributes` method provided by Agora SDK. This method allows you to set custom attributes for a user, which can be retrieved by other users in the channel. You can pass a JSON object containing the user attributes, such as name and avatar, to this method.

How do I send user attributes from the client-side to the Agora server?

To send user attributes from the client-side to the Agora server, you can use the `sendUserAttribute` method provided by Agora SDK. This method sends the user attributes to the Agora server, which then broadcasts the attributes to other users in the channel.

How do I retrieve user attributes of other users in the channel?

To retrieve user attributes of other users in the channel, you can use the `getUserAttributes` method provided by Agora SDK. This method retrieves the user attributes of a specified user or all users in the channel.

Can I update user attributes in real-time during a video conference?

Yes, you can update user attributes in real-time during a video conference using the `updateUserAttributes` method provided by Agora SDK. This method updates the user attributes and broadcasts the updated attributes to other users in the channel.

How do I handle user attribute updates in my React application?

To handle user attribute updates in your React application, you can use the `onUserAttributeUpdated` callback provided by Agora SDK. This callback is triggered when a user’s attributes are updated, and it passes the updated attributes as an argument. You can then update your application state with the new attributes.

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