Mastering Conditional Review Positions in Workflows: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Mastering Conditional Review Positions in Workflows: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of reviewing every single job in your workflow, only to find that most of them don’t require your attention? Do you wish you could focus on the jobs that truly matter, while still being able to fetch environment variables for all jobs? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to apply the review position for specific jobs in a workflow, giving you more control and efficiency in your workflow management.

Understanding the Problem: Why Conditional Review Positions Matter

In traditional workflows, every job is subjected to a review process, regardless of its importance or complexity. This can lead to a plethora of issues, including:

  • Time-consuming reviews: Reviewing every job can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with complex workflows or large datasets.
  • Inefficient resource allocation: Assigning review resources to every job can lead to waste, as some jobs may not require human intervention.
  • Delayed workflow progression: The review process can slow down the entire workflow, causing delays and bottlenecks.

The Solution: Conditional Review Positions

By applying the review position for specific jobs in a workflow, you can:

  • Reduce review time: Focus on the jobs that truly require human intervention, saving time and resources.
  • Optimize resource allocation: Assign review resources only to the jobs that need them, ensuring efficient use of resources.
  • Accelerate workflow progression: Conditional review positions enable faster workflow progression, reducing delays and bottlenecks.

Implementing Conditional Review Positions: A Step-by-Step Guide

To apply the review position for specific jobs in a workflow, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the Jobs that Require Review

Begin by identifying the jobs in your workflow that require human review. This can be based on various criteria, such as:

  • Job type (e.g., critical, high-priority, or sensitive jobs)
  • Job status (e.g., failed, pending, or completed)
  • Job attributes (e.g., specific variables, tags, or labels)

Once you’ve identified the jobs that require review, create a list of the corresponding job IDs or names.

Step 2: Create a Conditional Review Position

Next, create a conditional review position in your workflow using the following syntax:

  - job: 
      - user: 
      - group: 

Replace `` with the actual job ID or name, `` with the username of the reviewer, and `` with the group name of the reviewer.

Step 3: Define the Environment Variables

To fetch environment variables for all jobs, regardless of whether they require review or not, add the following code:

  - MY_VAR: ${{ secrets.MY_SECRET }}

This will define two environment variables, `MY_VAR` and `ANOTHER_VAR`, which can be accessed by all jobs in the workflow.

Step 4: Configure the Workflow File

Update your workflow file to include the conditional review position and environment variables. Here’s an example:

name: My Workflow

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Run job 1
        run: |
          echo "Running job 1"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Run job 2
        run: |
          echo "Running job 2"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - job: job1
          - user: reviewer
          - group: reviewers
      - MY_VAR: ${{ secrets.MY_SECRET }}
      - ANOTHER_VAR: ${{ env.ANOTHER_ENV_VAR }}
      - name: Review job
        run: |
          echo "Reviewing job 1"

In this example, the `review_job` job is configured to run only when the `job1` job is completed, and the reviewer is assigned to the `reviewer` user and `reviewers` group. The environment variables are defined for all jobs, including the `review_job`.

Best Practices for Conditional Review Positions

To get the most out of conditional review positions, follow these best practices:

  1. Keep it simple: Use simple and concise syntax to define your conditional review positions.
  2. Use meaningful job names: Choose job names that accurately reflect the job’s purpose, making it easier to identify which jobs require review.
  3. Document your workflow: Keep your workflow file well-documented, including comments explaining the purpose of each job and conditional review position.
  4. Test and iterate: Test your workflow with different scenarios and iterate on your conditional review positions as needed.


In conclusion, conditional review positions offer a powerful way to streamline your workflow by applying the review position for specific jobs while fetching environment variables for all jobs. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can optimize your workflow, reduce review time, and allocate resources more efficiently. Remember to keep it simple, use meaningful job names, document your workflow, and test and iterate to get the most out of conditional review positions.

Keyword Description
Only apply the review position for specific jobs in a workflow This article shows you how to use conditional review positions to apply the review position for specific jobs in a workflow.
While being able to fetch environment variables for all jobs The article also covers how to define environment variables that can be accessed by all jobs in the workflow, regardless of whether they require review or not.

By mastering conditional review positions, you’ll be able to create more efficient and effective workflows, saving time and resources in the process.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Only apply the review position for specific jobs in a workflow while being able to fetch environment variables for all jobs” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on how to master the art of workflow magic! 🧙‍♂️

How do I specify which jobs in a workflow require a review? 👀

You can use the `review` keyword in your workflow file to specify which jobs require a review. For example, `review: [‘job1’, ‘job2’]` will only apply the review position to jobs `job1` and `job2`. Easy peasy! 😊

Can I still fetch environment variables for all jobs, even if they don’t require a review? 🤔

Absolutely! You can use the `env` keyword to fetch environment variables for all jobs, regardless of whether they require a review or not. For example, `env: [‘VARIABLE1’, ‘VARIABLE2’]` will fetch the values of `VARIABLE1` and `VARIABLE2` for all jobs in the workflow. Sweet! 🎉

What if I want to apply the review position to all jobs in a specific stage of the workflow? 🤔

You can use the `stage` keyword to apply the review position to all jobs in a specific stage of the workflow. For example, `stage: ‘deploy’` will apply the review position to all jobs in the `deploy` stage. Voilà! 👍

Can I use wildcards to specify which jobs require a review? 🤔

Yes, you can use wildcards to specify which jobs require a review. For example, `review: [‘job*’]` will apply the review position to all jobs whose name starts with `job`. Clever, right? 😄

What if I want to apply different review positions to different jobs? 🤔

You can use a mapping to apply different review positions to different jobs. For example, `review: { job1: ‘approver1’, job2: ‘approver2’ }` will apply the review position `approver1` to `job1` and `approver2` to `job2`. Flexible, right? 🌈

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