Why does getch() interrupt my display() method?
Image by Vedetta - hkhazo.biz.id

Why does getch() interrupt my display() method?

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If you’re a C programmer, you’ve likely encountered the frustration of having your carefully crafted display() method interrupted by the getch() function. You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the mysterious world of console I/O and explore the reasons behind this annoyance. Buckle up, and let’s get started!

The Culprit: getch()

The getch() function, part of the conio.h library, is a popular way to read a single character from the console without echoing it to the screen. It’s often used in situations where you need to get user input without displaying it, such as when asking for a password or reading a key press.

#include <conio.h>

int main() {
    char c;
    printf("Press a key: ");
    c = getch();
    printf("You pressed: %c\n", c);
    return 0;

However, when used in conjunction with a display() method that prints to the console, getch() can cause unexpected behavior, such as interrupting the output or causing the cursor to jump around the screen.

The Victim: display()

The display() method, on the other hand, is a custom function that prints content to the console. It might be a simple function that prints a string or a complex function that renders a graphical user interface.

void display() {
    printf("+                                      +\n");
    printf("+  Hello, World!                       +\n");
    printf("+                                      +\n");

When display() is called, it outputs its contents to the console, but when getch() is used alongside it, the output can become jumbled or interrupted.

The Culprit Strikes Again: Buffering

So, why does getch() interrupt the display() method? The answer lies in the way console I/O is buffered.

In C, the console output is buffered, meaning that it’s stored in a temporary memory area before being displayed on the screen. This buffering allows for efficient output and reduces the number of system calls. However, it also means that when getch() is called, it can flush the buffer, causing any pending output to be displayed immediately.

When display() is called, it outputs its contents to the buffer, but when getch() is called, it flushes the buffer, interrupting the output and causing the cursor to jump around the screen.

Solutions to the Problem

Now that we understand the cause of the issue, let’s explore some solutions to get our display() method working smoothly alongside getch().

Solution 1: Flush the Buffer

One solution is to manually flush the buffer using the fflush() function after calling display(). This ensures that the output is fully displayed before getch() is called.

void display() {
    printf("+                                      +\n");
    printf("+  Hello, World!                       +\n");
    printf("+                                      +\n");
    fflush(stdout); // Flush the buffer

Solution 2: Use Unbuffered I/O

Another solution is to use unbuffered I/O by setting the buffering mode of the stdout stream to _IONBF using the setvbuf() function. This ensures that output is displayed immediately, without buffering.

int main() {
    setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); // Set unbuffered I/O
    char c;
    printf("Press a key: ");
    c = getch();
    printf("You pressed: %c\n", c);
    return 0;

Solution 3: Use a Separate Thread

A more advanced solution is to use a separate thread to handle the display() method, allowing it to run independently of the getch() function.

#include <thread>

void display() {
    printf("+                                      +\n");
    printf("+  Hello, World!                       +\n");
    printf("+                                      +\n");

int main() {
    std::thread t1(display);
    char c;
    printf("Press a key: ");
    c = getch();
    printf("You pressed: %c\n", c);
    return 0;


In conclusion, the getch() function can interrupt the display() method due to the buffering of console I/O. By understanding the cause of the issue and implementing one of the solutions provided, you can ensure that your display() method works smoothly alongside getch(). Remember, when working with console I/O, it’s essential to consider the buffering mode and its implications on your program’s behavior.


Q: Why does getch() flush the buffer?

A: getch() flushes the buffer because it needs to read input from the console immediately, without waiting for the buffer to fill up.

Q: Can I use getch() with buffered I/O?

A: Yes, but you’ll need to manually flush the buffer using fflush() or use unbuffered I/O to ensure that the output is displayed correctly.

Q: Is getch() thread-safe?

A: No, getch() is not thread-safe and should not be used in multi-threaded programs without proper synchronization.

Solution Pros Cons
Flush the Buffer Easy to implement, ensures output is displayed correctly May cause performance issues if output is large
Use Unbuffered I/O Ensures immediate output, suitable for real-time applications May cause performance issues, not suitable for large output
Use a Separate Thread Allows for concurrent execution, suitable for GUI applications Requires advanced programming skills, may cause synchronization issues

By understanding the intricacies of console I/O and implementing the right solution, you can create robust and efficient programs that work seamlessly with getch() and display(). Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get stuck with your getch() function interrupting your display() method? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you out.

Why does getch() interrupt my display() method in the first place?

getch() is a blocking function that waits for user input, which means it halts the execution of your program until a key is pressed. This can interrupt your display() method if it’s called after getch() in your code. Think of getch() as a traffic cop that stops everything until it gets the input it needs!

Can I use getch() and display() together without them interfering with each other?

Yes, you can! One way to do this is to use multithreading or multiprocessing. This allows you to run your display() method and getch() function simultaneously, without one blocking the other. Just be careful not to get tangled up in thread-safety issues!

Is there a way to make getch() non-blocking?

In some libraries, you can use variations of getch() that are non-blocking, such as getch_nonblocking() or kbhit(). These functions return immediately if no key is pressed, rather than waiting for input. Check your library’s documentation to see if such options are available!

Can I use a timer to timeout getch() if no input is received?

You bet! By using a timer, you can set a timeout for getch() to return after a certain period of inactivity. This allows your program to continue running even if no key is pressed. Just be sure to handle the timeout correctly to avoid any unexpected behavior!

Are there any alternatives to getch() that won’t interrupt my display() method?

Yes, there are! Depending on your platform and requirements, you might be able to use other input functions or libraries that are more flexible or non-blocking. For example, you could use keyboard hooks or event-driven input handling. Research your options and choose the one that best fits your needs!